Saturday, March 5, 2011

Let it be untitled...

I've just seen Rumah Tanpa Jendela *Indonesian movie* for the second time and I love it so much still.. There is a character named Aldo and I think I have some similarities to him.. Both Aldo and I are weird.. Nobody can't understand him and I think nobody can't understand me too.. Drawing is our thing.. I think we're a great person in a weird appearance.. I do like Aldo's character so much.. The end of the story is easy to be guessed.. But we need this kind of movie to keep us on dreaming..

I'm hungry now and got a stomach ache.. I'll have my 'very late' dinner and gonna try to sleep.. See you.. Let my writing 'to be untitled'..


Ayu said...

I think you should make a separated page called 'movie and book reviews' cause you're good at reviewing them.

So,can we put the RTJ together with the other good Indonesian movies such as alangkah lucunya negeri ini? :)

Zka said...

I didn't write any review at all anyway..
ALNI isn't good at all.. The different is, RTJ makes us dream and ALNI doesn't do the same.. The similarity is only both of them are the portrait about Indonesia..