Sunday, March 6, 2011

Let Me Dream..

Will you? Let me dream I mean.. I'll do it myself anyway.. Lol..
This is my biggest dream I've ever had.. I want to be the greatest writer and being the best story teller in this world.. I'll go abroad and being story teller from one country to another.. I want to tell stories about my country and the citizens.. I hope I could earn a lot of money from being a story teller and then I can build many education facilities here to educate Indonesian people.. I hope someday Indonesia will be the greatest country in this world.. Amin..
Tuhan, let this dream be my true dream I dream every night.. I'm getting tired of dreaming Nearsmile every single night..
Tuhan.. Let all my dreams come true.. Amin..


ayu said...

I love your new blog, a lot! A calming design.. and an all-English blog is all that I wished for. hehehehe..

Yeah, I do believe that you're (and hopefully I am too) included in the people who strongly believe that our future is determined by our dreams. and it's true. I mean, dreams really do come true. Amiiin :)

Zka said...

Amin.. Ty Ayu..